
About Your Health Coach, Kim

I began my journey of transformation at the age of 38 when I experienced personal burnout from a thriving retail leadership career and being an overwhelmed mom with lots of physical discomfort in my digestive system. Through my personal growth, I learned ways to calm my nervous system, strengthen my digestive system, and become more present. Once I was able to bring my physical body back into balance, I became curious about the mental and emotional aspects of my well-being.

In 2020, I passed my National Board Health Coaching exam and began working with healthcare workers and patients.

In 2021, I became a certified HeartMath™ Trainer and used these tools with nurses and physicians in a level-one trauma center to learn ways to manage their stress and become more resilient.

In 2023, I became a certified Master Practitioner of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), and MER® (Mental Emotional Release and Hypnosis. I will continue to add to my coaching toolbox.

Currently, I teach a weekly Stretch & Align yoga class and coach clients on how to blend movement, breathing, HeartMath, and MER® – depending on your preferences and needs. I’m here to help you create your own Wellness Lifeline so you can share your gifts with more peace, joy, and ease.


  • National Board Health & Wellness Coach (NBHWC)

  • Master Practitioner of NLP (Neuro-Linguistics Programming) and, MER (Mental Emotional Release®

  • National Board Health & Wellness Coach (NBHWC)

  • Yoga Instructor

  • HeartMath® Trainer

  • Master Nutritional Therapist

  • Experience with oncology patients and women recovering from deep grief or heavy losses

What Clients Say

  • “I enjoy the consistency of your group and love the way you teach the class – explaining how these yoga moves are helping us in our everyday life. You make it very easy to make that connection between our practice and the real world. You also provide alternatives so that I don't feel pressured to begin a move if I’m not ready. I love how everybody knows each other and it's very comfortable.” Brenda

  • “Your presentations are relatable. They're not too high level that they're unattainable. Your classes are warm and welcoming. And I can tell that people feel safe being there that maybe wouldn't feel like that in other similar settings.” Gina

  • “You’ve empowered me to live a healthier life through nutrition and other things to support my body and my mind and my spirituality.” Marnie

  • “You have helped me mentally and physically. It starts off mentally, but then by the end of an hour session with you, I have more physical energy.” Shellee

  • “My cat’s recognize your voice and alway come in to visit me during yoga. Most days one or both will hang out in the room through out our practice. The day that we were on our backs the whole session Stoli layed by my head the entire time and Mia was curled up nearby. I thought you might enjoy knowing that my “ME” time is also appreciated by my critters as well.” Kara

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